Black Friday deal!
Walmart has a selection of
Vinyl Albums for
$15.00 each while they last. Walmart offers
free shipping on most orders of $35 or more, or select items can be ordered with free store pickup or free site-to-store shipping.
Posted 11/14/20 in Walmart, Music
Amazon is offering Prime members
4 Months of Music Unlimited for
$0.99 for a limited time. Available for new subscribers only. Prime members will pay $7.99 per month after the 4 months unless canceled. Non-Prime members can get 3 months for $0.99.
Posted 10/13/20 in Amazon, Music
Amazon is offering Prime members
4 Months of Music Unlimited for
$0.99 for a limited time. Available for new subscribers only. Prime members will pay $7.99 per month after the 4 months unless canceled. Non-Prime members can get 3 months for $0.99.
Posted 10/2/20 in Amazon, Music
See what's hot!
Amazon shares their
Movers & Shakers in Musical Instruments Deals. This list is
updated hourly, so check back often and find hot deals that are only available for a short time. Free shipping with Prime. Don't have Prime? Get a
free 30-day trial, otherwise get free shipping on $25 or more.
Posted 9/19/20 in Amazon, Music
See what's hot!
Amazon shares their
Movers & Shakers in Musical Instruments Deals. This list is
updated hourly, so check back often and find hot deals that are only available for a short time. Free shipping with Prime. Don't have Prime? Get a
free 30-day trial, otherwise get free shipping on $25 or more.
Posted 7/19/20 in Amazon, Music
Amazon is offering
3 Months of Amazon Music Unlimited for
free for a limited time. Offer is available only to Amazon customers who are new subscribers to Amazon Music Unlimited. Cancel before the trial ends or be billed the standard $7.99 rate for Prime members or $9.99 for non-Prime members.
Posted 7/17/20 in Amazon, Music
Stuck at home? Why not expand your music horizon?
Amazon is having a
CD & Vinyl Outlet Sale with prices starting at only
$2.68. Free shipping with Prime. Don't have Prime? Get a
free 30-day trial, otherwise get free shipping on $25 or more.
Posted 4/6/20 in Amazon, Music
Amazon has 3 months of their
Amazon Music Unlimited Service for
free for a limited time. New customers only. $7.99 per month plus any taxes after your trial. Your subscription continues until cancelled.
Posted 4/3/20 in Amazon, Music
Amazon has the highly rated (average 4.5 star reviews)
Paxcess Electronic Drum Set with Roll-up Pad, Speaker, Pedals, Sticks for
$50.99. Also,
free shipping is included with this deal.
Posted 3/8/20 in Amazon, Music
Amazon offers their highly rated
Silent Mind Tibetan Singing Bowl Set with Dual Surface Mallet and Silk Cushion in Peace Mantra Design for
$19.97. Free shipping with Prime. Don't have Prime? Get a
free 30-day trial, otherwise get free shipping on $25 or more.
Posted 1/26/20 in Amazon, Music