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Hi, guys. It’s PW. My friend Ryan has graced us with this sticky, delectable, and surprisingly simple recipe for… Monkey Bread.


I snagged the recipe from my mother-in-law Tracy, after I regained consciousness the first time I ate this strange, pull-apart, breakfast, lunch, or dinner bread thing. Here’s what you need:

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*holds hands up in paper-football goal posts to find the “L”* 🙌

From left to right we have:

* Brown Sugar // 1/2 cup will be needed
* 2 sticks of butter (1 cup)
* Bundt Cake Pan (feel free to use dorky shapes)
* Cinnamon // 2 to 3 teaspoons
* 3 cans of Buttermilk Biscuits (the non-flaky ones)
* Sugar! // 1 cup

Now before you do anything… go ahead and preheat that oven to 350 degrees. You'll need this in about 10 minutes.

* BWOP!! * — That was the sound of the biscuit can popping open. You didn't know I was a sound effects master, did you? Now open up all three cans of biscuits and cut each biscuit into quarters.

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At this time you'll want to combine the 1 cup of regular sugar with 2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon. I use 3 teaspoons of cinnamon and this gives it a fairly strong cinnamon flavor. If you're not so hot on cinnamon, cut it back to 2 teaspoons. Dump these into a 1 gallon zip-top bag and shake to mix evenly.

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Drop all of the biscuit quarters into the cinnamon-sugar mix. Go ahead… all of them. Yes, they're sticking together right now, but just trust me.

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Once all the biscuit quarters are in the bag, seal it and give it a vigorous shake. This will get all those pieces unstuck from one another and nicely coated with the cinnamon sugar. You might have some excess sugar left over and that's okay.

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Feel free to eat one of these right now. I won’t look.

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Spread these nuggets out evenly in your Bundt pan. I suppose you might want to grease this pan before doing this, but I'm pretty sure the gallon of butter we are about to add will keep it safe. Un-greased always works for me.

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At this point, you're going to want to melt those two sticks of butter together with 1/2 cup of brown sugar. This can be light or dark brown sugar.

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Stir together over a medium-high heat until the two become one. Sure, you could do this in the microwave, but it would be way less cool.

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Once the brown sugar butter has become one color, you can pour it over the biscuits. Try to avoid sticking your finger under this heaven-sauce as it’s really, really hot. (*Knows from experience*)

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At first… it's going to look like too much. It's okay though.

Did I mention that this is not a low-calorie snack?

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Bake this at 350 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes until the crust is a deep brown on top. It should look like this.

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If you have the willpower, allow this to cool for about 15-30 minutes before turning it over onto a plate. If it doesn’t slide right down onto the plate, give it a few love-taps until it plops. It’ll hold.

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Pull off pieces by hand…

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…Or if you’re civilized, feel free to use utensils.

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Now, I’m not completely sure why this stuff is called “Monkey Bread,” but I think it has something to do with the fact that people seem to stand around it making primitive noises, jumping up and down, and picking at it incessantly. Taste it and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

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Love Wins,