Choosing My Best Buy Memberships™ for you
My Best Buy Total™ members get exclusive member prices on thousands of items. Members also receive up to two years of product protection on most new Best Buy purchases while you’re a member, including AppleCare+ for your iPhone, iPad and most other Apple products.*
My Best Buy Total™ also provides around-the-clock-tech support, helping you troubleshoot any tech issue you might be experiencing. Have a question about your recently purchased tablet from Best Buy? Tech support is standing by to help.
Tech enthusiasts who are always looking for top tech gifts and enjoy the latest innovations might benefit from My Best Buy Plus™, which boasts exclusive member prices that let you save on a variety of items. You will also get exclusive access to certain products while enjoying free 2-day shipping.*
The average online shopper might enjoy choosing My Best Buy™. It offers free shipping with no minimum purchase,* so it costs the same to ship something as small as a new pair of earbuds as it does to ship a 50" TV.
Getting the most out of My Best Buy Memberships™
Are you having an issue with your laptop? A Best Buy Geek Squad® Agent is there at all hours to guide you through any issue if you are a My Best Buy Total™ member. Do you need a new HDMI cable by the end of the week? The speedy 2-day Best Buy free shipping* included with My Best Buy Plus™ and My Best Buy Total™ has you covered. Or maybe you’re updating your gaming system and want to save some money with free shipping* on new PS5 controllers. My Best Buy Memberships™ help get your orders straight to your door.
Whether you sign up for a My Best Buy™, My Best Buy Plus™ or a My Best Buy Total™ Membership, it’s important to get the most out of your My Best Buy™ Membership with the Best Buy mobile app. This 24/7 shopping companion helps you spend less time on what you’re looking for as well as keeps you informed about the shipping and tracking of your orders. My Best Buy Memberships™ offer great benefits that are exclusive to you, so you may as well take advantage of them easily with the Best Buy mobile app.