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Hallmark Dream Book 2024 Ornament Catalog Posted

It's Christmas in... April? as we've just posted the 72-page Hallmark Dream Book 2024 Catalog. This catalog features their lineup of Keepsake ornaments. Page 21 of the catalog featured ornaments exclusively available to members of Hallmark's Keepsake Ornament Club.

Most of the ornaments in the catalog are available starting in either July or October on - see the individual ornament in the catalog as it will tell you when it will be going on sale. Some of the Keepsake ornaments will only be available at physical Hallmark stores as well.

  Posted 4/12/24 in Sale Ads & News

Join the GottaDEAL Discord Server & Chat With Us!

In case you are unaware, we have a GottaDEAL Discord server for those of you who'd like to chat in real-time about Black Friday and anything else with other GottaDEAL visitors and forum members. You can access the server via this invite link and we hope to see many of you in the chat.

For those who are unfamiliar with Discord, it is a free text, voice and video chat service. You can access it via their apps or through a traditional web browser. Once you sign up for an account you can join the GD server using the special invite link.

  Posted 4/3/24 in Site News

Black Friday Message Boards Are Now Open for 2024!

As we do every year around this time, we have officially opened up our main Black Friday message board for this year. You can check out all the early Black Friday discussion here.

You can start discussing your predictions for this year, any Black Friday news that comes up and much more. Also be on the lookout for our first contests of the year as well. See you there!

  Posted 4/3/24 in Black Friday

Like GottaDEAL on Facebook for Updates, Contests & More

Join over 120,000 other GottaDEAL visitors by liking our Facebook page. We've been using the Facebook page as another way to find out about some of the latest updates we've posted including new posted ads, online sales going live and much more.

We also have Facebook-exclusive contests where you can win our famous Black Friday t-shirts, gift cards and more prizes. You can also use Facebook as another way to contact us. We also recommend you follow us on Twitter and Instagram and join our fun Discord server.

  Posted 4/3/24 in Site News

Follow GottaDEAL on TikTok for Video Updates & More

New this year, we suggest you follow our new TikTok account. We plan on using this account to post short video updates about hot deals, new sales, leaked Black Friday ads, store stock status and much more. Plus exclusive contents!

It's just another way you can find out when we post new important site updates. Of course the best way to learn about new updates to the site is with our mailing list. Also be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook and join our Discord server.

  Posted 4/3/24 in Site News

Sign Up for Our Year-Round Deal Alert Newsletters

While you may already be subscribed to our Black Friday newsletter, we also have our Instant Deal Alerts mailing list which you can learn more about and sign up for on this page. The Instant Deal Alerts let you know about Black-Friday level deals that pop up during the rest of the year.

These newsletters are sent out on an as-needed basis so during the slower time of the year you might only hear from us once or twice per month. We send them out when there are enough very hot deals happening at one time to warrant letting you know. Subscribe for free right here.

  Posted 4/3/24 in Site News

Savings Tip: Get a Deal-Friendly Credit Card

One of the best ways to maximize your savings during Black Friday season and all year long is to make sure you have a good cash-back credit card. Use these credit cards for your purchases and you will earn additional cash back beyond the usual big Black Friday savings found each year.

Many of these cards have big signup bonuses if you spend a certain amount in the first few months with the card, so sign up for any of these cards today and you can use your holiday spending to meet these bonus goals easily. Check out GottaCreditCard for an list of our current favorites.

  Posted 4/3/24 in Site News

Follow GottaDEAL on Instagram for News, Contests & More

This year we invite you to follow GottaDEAL on Instagram. We plan on using our Instagram account for some fun things this year including exclusive contests, as well as sharing the latest news and rumors about whatever Black Friday ends up looking like this year.

It's also another way you can find out when we post new leaked ads, catalogs and more. Of course the best way to learn about new updates to the site is with our mailing list. Also be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook and join our Discord server to chat with other GDers.

  Posted 4/3/24 in Site News

History of Black Friday, Cyber Monday & More

While you have a few months to pass the time until the sales start, why not do some reading about the history of these big days? First, check out the history of Black Friday and learn about the birth of Black Friday as a term in Philadelphia.

Next, the history of Cyber Monday is more recent with early years being known for lackluster sales. The history of Amazon's Prime Day is also more contemporary and after a few early rocky years it has become a big sale period each year.

Finally, as this is GottaDEAL's 20th year of existence, check out a brief history of GottaDEAL and join us as we celebrate two decades of deals over the next year. We're proud to be the oldest independent deal site still around.

  Posted 4/3/24 in Site News

Days Until Black Friday

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